Impara l'italiano in... Toscana
Impara l'italiano in... Sardegna
Winter Integral Course

Usually in Orbetello the weather is also fine during winter. Why not take a language courses in low season, learning Italian and enjoying the wonderful landscape at a really special price?

Winter Integral Course = Italian course + activities + accommodation.

available from October to March


- Language lessons (20 hrs/wk – 9.00-13.00)
- Cultural activities every afternoons – sports, art and archaeology, Italian history or cinema, cooking lesson and wine taste, pottery and painting workshop, guided visits at the museums, archaeological sites or monuments and medieval towns;
- One afternoon at the Springs water of Saturnia;
- 1 all day excursion per week;
- Plus accomodation in Italian families or in private apartments in Orbetello.

PRICES WINTER 2023/2024:

20 hours/week group course + accommodation + afternoon activities
1 week 550,00 Euro; 2 weeks 1.070,00 Euro; 3 weeks 1.600 Euro; 4 weeks 2.150 Euro (course and accommodation included).

Feedback of Jennifer:

Learning with a fun factor and holiday-ing at the same time. All in very small groups. Get togethers and excursions some afternoons or weekends if you wish to participate.
I did 3 (2 weeks each time) courses 20 years ago (Maria was marvellous as a teacher then) and wanted to "brush up" 3 years ago, which was a great experiance again.
Great teachers, the school is located in the middle of the old centre of Orbetello (which is soooo pretty), so in the break you go to a little cafe at the piazza for a wake-up espresso (or cappuccino if you prefer) and from 1.30pm (and on the weekend) you have the whole afternoon/evening to venture around southern Tuscany or just drive to the beach to chill/work on your tan and/or study some vocabulary.
And while wining and dining you can practice your newly aquired Italian language knowledge I would recommend a minimum of 2 weeks in a stretch to get the most out of it.
Have fun!


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