Impara l'italiano in... Toscana
Impara l'italiano in... Sardegna

In the first week, being the only student for the Christmas Program the teacher Maria made me feel welcomed. She was patient and understood how I learned best, which was very helpful. The 1st week I learned and retained a great deal. In fact when came back home to Fermo Italy, I must admit I do speak much better Italiano.

The classroom and school itself was what I expected and conducive to learning another language.

Having large maps of the area were surprisingly helpful. The housing and the location of my room could not be better! Literally 30 seconds away. Paola's hospitality was over the What more could anyone want?

Orbetello is the perfect location for learning Italian. The town has many attractions that served as a wonderful holiday as well; cafes, bars, pizzerias, good restaurants, cinema, beauty, great weather, coastal town, several historical and wilderness locations extremely close. Walking and/or biking to Monte Argentario is a must and only 1 km away. The ports and historical sites of Monte Argentario could be a stand-alone trip.

What was the biggest surprise were the activities. The Christmas Program included activities on Christmas Day, New Year's Eve, and New Years Day. The activities made the trip! Maria was extremely accommodating to our wants and desires of what to see and to do. Everyone should experience the live Nativity scene. What a thrill to see this along with: natural hot-springs, large organic farm, beautiful ports, Roman villas, Spanish fortresses, and so much more.

I highly recommend this school, the incredible Christmas program, and the beautiful location.

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